Pre & Post Natal

Post-natal Care

After giving birth, you think it's finally over. All that pain and discomfort has been rewarded with a living, breathing miracle that your body helped create. Your body experienced many changes during pregnancy and continues to change postnatally. It is important to address any issues during this postpartum period, which begins immediately after delivery, so as to prevent more serious problems later in life. Women may experience post-natal urinary incontinence, depression and anxiety, vaginal pain during intercourse or with orgasm, vaginal dryness, tightness, looseness or loss of sexual desire altogether.

Learning how to care for your baby can be overwhelming for any woman but you will soon come to realize that your body also needs to be cared for. The more you know about what to expect, the better prepared you'll be to cope with the physical and emotional changes that come post-pregnancy.

Postpartum Depression

Most women experience a case of the "baby blues" after the birth of their child. Changes in hormone levels, combined with the new responsibility of caring for a newborn, make many new mothers feel anxious, overwhelmed or angry. For most, this moodiness and mild depression go away within several days or weeks. Longer lasting or more severe depression is classified as postpartum depression (PPD), a condition that affects 10% to 20% of women who have just given birth. PPD, which usually becomes apparent two weeks to three months after delivery, is characterized by intense feelings of anxiety or despair. Lack of sleep, shifts in hormone levels and physical pain after childbirth can all contribute to PPD, making it difficult for some women to cope with their new role and overcome their sense of loneliness, fear or even guilt. The first step in treating postpartum depression is enlisting the support of family and close friends. Share your feelings with them, and get their help in caring for your infant. Be sure to discuss any PPD symptoms with your doctor, who can prescribe medication or recommend support groups to help you better cope with these new and unfamiliar emotions. If your depression is combined with lack of interest in the baby, suicidal or violent thoughts, hallucinations or abnormal behavior, get immediate medical attention. These symptoms could indicate a more serious condition called postpartum psychosis.

Treatment: CHILL + MACK + ICE

The CHILL Wellness Sublingual Oil Drops can provide powerful relief from pain as well as feelings of post-partum depression and anxiety. For mild to moderate anxiety or depression, take 1 full dropper in the a.m. and another full dropper a half hour before bed. For more severe depression, take 2 full droppers in the a.m and 2 full droppers in the p.m. Massage your body with the MACK Intimate Lube + Massage Oil, which is one of the common relaxation techniques for pregnant and new mothers. Just like how prenatal massage handles problems during pregnancy, post natal massage can relieve or diminish the body's discomfort as it tries to adjust with the changes in your body cycles after giving birth. Consider post natal massage as a well-deserved treat so you can celebrate the time with your new born baby. In fact, both mother and baby may benefit from post natal massage. Generously spritz the ICE Rosewater Mist made with pure Rose Absolute Essential Oil and Organic CBD. Keep the ICE Rose Flower Toner refrigerated for a cooling effect on puffy, inflamed areas and to instantly refresh and rejuvenate dull skin. intoxicatingly divine and allow the scent of fresh blooming roses to elevate your mood. Contains 25 mg organic full spectrum hemp CBD to calm any inflammation, redness and irritation.SUGGESTED USEFor day: First, liberally spray your face with ICE Rose Flower Mist and breathe in the intoxicating rose scent. Massage 1-2 drops of SAVAGE Face Booster Oil directly onto any problem areas (fine lines, blemishes, acne, uneven toned skin) or give your favorite serum or moisturizer a boost and mix with a couple droplets in your palm. Gently massage it into the skin until it is fully absorbed for a super moisturizing effect leaving your skin naturally glowing and dewy.


Benefits of Post-natal Massage:

C-section Incision

How you care for the C-section incision from the outset will determine the length of healing time. CBD is known to have powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and pain-relieving properties, which can help accelerate healing. Resist the urge to scratch. Stop using the products and consult your doctor if you see signs of infection, such as red, swollen skin or draining pus.

Treatment: CHILL + BLAZE

The CHILL Wellness Drops can provide powerful relief from pain and inflammation. Take a half full dropper in the a.m. and another half dropper a half hour before bed. Gently massage the incision area with BLAZE Extra Strength Wonder Balm to help with pain, itching and help prevent infection. Apply multiple times daily as needed to keep the area moisturized and supple, which will help minimize scarring.

Perineal Pain

For women who delivered vaginally, pain in the perineum (the area between the rectum and vagina) is quite common. These tender tissues may have stretched or torn during delivery, causing them to feel swollen, bruised and sore. This discomfort may also be aggravated by an episiotomy, an incision sometimes made in the perineum during delivery to keep the vagina from ripping. As your body heals in the weeks following childbirth, the discomfort should lessen.

Treatment: CHILL + MACK

The CHILL Wellness Drops can provide powerful relief from pain as well as feelings of post-partum depression and anxiety. For mild to moderate anxiety or depression, take 1 full dropper in the a.m. and another full dropper a half hour before bed. For more severe depression, take 2 full droppers in the a.m and 2 full droppers in the p.m.

Massage your body with the MACK Intimate Lube + Massage Oil, which is one of the common relaxation techniques for pregnant and new mothers. Just like how prenatal massage handles problems during pregnancy, post natal massage can relieve or diminish the body's discomfort as it tries to adjust with the changes in your body cycles after giving birth. Consider post natal massage as a well-deserved treat so you can celebrate the time with your new born baby.

Discomfort or Pain During Sex

You can resume sexual activity once you feel comfortable -- both physically and emotionally. After a vaginal birth, it's best to postpone intercourse until the vaginal tissue heals completely, usually four to six weeks (less if you didn't have an episiotomy). After a cesarean birth, you doctor will probably advise you to wait six weeks. You may find sex to be physically uncomfortable, even painful, for up to three months after delivery, particularly if you are breast-feeding. Because breast-feeding reduces levels of the hormone estrogen in the body, your vagina may be unusually dry during the postpartum period. Tenderness at the location of an episiotomy also is not uncommon for weeks or months after giving birth. Even after your body heals, you may find that you are less interested in sex than you were before your baby arrived. Physical exhaustion accompanied by new distractions and emotional changes can take their toll on your libido. Many women battle feelings of unattractiveness in the postpartum period, and some find it more difficult to achieve orgasm. Breast-feeding can also change how you and your partner perceive sexual intimacy.

Treatment: CHILL + MACK

The CHILL Wellness Drops can provide powerful relief from pain as well as act as a mild aphrodisiac. For mild to moderate discomfort, take half a dropper. For more severe discomfort or pain, take a full dropper.

Ask your partner to massage your body with the MACK Intimate Lube + Massage Oil, which can be relaxing and stimulating.

Mastitis or Breast infection

Usually indicated by a tender, reddened area on the breast. Breast infections, which can be brought on by bacteria and a weakened immune system resulting from stress, exhaustion or cracked nipples, may be accompanied by fever, chills, fatigue, headache and/or nausea and vomiting. Any of these symptoms should be reported to your doctor, who may recommend treatment with antibiotics. If you have a breast infection, you may continue to nurse from both breasts. Mastitis does not affect your breast milk.

Treatment: CHILL + BLAZE

The CHILL Wellness Drops can provide long term relief from pain and inflammation. Take a half dropper in the a.m. and another half dropper before bed. For immediate pain relief, gently massage the cracked nipples with BLAZE Extra Strength Wonder Balm then cover the area with a hot, wet towel to help with pain, itching and help prevent infection. Apply daily as needed to keep the nipples moisturized and supple. It's also important to rest and drink plenty of fluids. You may also want to avoid constricting bras and clothing. Continue taking the CHILL Wellness Drops for 2 weeks until all signs of infection are gone.

Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are the striations that appear on many women's breasts, thighs, hips and abdomen during pregnancy. These reddish marks, which are caused by hormonal changes and stretching skin, which causes the collagen and elastin to rupture.

Treatment: PRIMO + SAVAGE

Massage PRIMO Creme, which contains hyaluronic acid to help repair skin faster by regulating inflammation levels and signaling the body to build more blood vessels in the damaged area. SAVAGE Booster Oil is an intensely hydrating and super nutritive oil formulated with highly concentrated CBD and packed with powerful antioxidants, essential fatty acids, flavonoids to help reduce inflammation, accelerate the healing of scarring, improve the skin's elasticity and encourage new cell regeneration that may help fade the stretch marks. Although topical treatments may never eliminate the stretch marks completely, they may help fade them considerably. Treatment seems to be more effective on new stretch marks and not as effective on mature ones. You can also try prevention and try the treatment early in the pregnancy before the skin starts stretching. You will enjoy its natural earthy scent profile, which is reminiscent of a freshly fallen forest rain shower.


Hemorrhoids can be aggravated by the pressure of the enlarged uterus and fetus on the lower abdomen veins.

Treatment: MACK or BLAZE

For a mild case, try massaging the MACK Massage Oil directly on the affected area. For a severe case, apply the BLAZE Extra Strength Balm for soothing relief.

Hair Loss

That lustrous sheen that pregnancy brought to your hair may fade by the time your baby is 6 months old. You'll likely notice hair loss as well. During pregnancy, skyrocketing hormones prevent the normal, almost imperceptible daily loss of hair. Several months after delivery (or when breast-feeding slows or ceases), many women begin to fear the worst as they watch their hair fall out at an alarming rate. Rest assured, the hair you're losing is only equivalent to the hair you would have shed during pregnancy had your hormones not stepped in. Generally, the sudden change in hair volume is temporary and not noticeable to others.

Treatment: CHILL + BLAZE

The CHILL Wellness Drops will help bring back that lustrous sheen to your hair. Massage the BLAZE onto the scalp to help stimulate circulation and strengthen the hair follicles.

Postnatal CBD Care

Learning how to care for your baby can be overwhelming for any woman but very soon you come to realize that your body is going through some changes and also needs to be cared for. Be


compassionate and patient (just as you would be with your baby) while your body recuperates and rebuilds its strength. Approach it as if you had two babies -- the child you're just meeting and the child you've always known. It takes time and the length of time will be different for everybody (so resist the urge to compare with your girlfriends). Perhaps more importantly, take care of your mind and spirit as well. In this postpartum period, you will bond with your baby like no other time in her/his life and you cannot make this connection unless you are present in every miraculous moment.

Call your doctor if your symptoms persist with no improvement. They could indicate a serious postpartum complication.